Thursday, February 15, 2007

Some Ideas I came up with

1. Getting clubs on campus to use alternatives to sugary snacks for fundraising (i.e. instead of boob cakes, boob-shaped soaps)

2. Encourage professors to talk about heart disease in their classrooms (natural history of the disease in biology, different symptoms among gender in gender studies class...)

3. Offer free cholesterol tests frequently on campus

4. Teach about simple waist to hip ratio and the significance of it

5. Nutritional information on the hazards of drinking soda

6. Smoking cessation services (yes, college-educated students DO smoke and binge drink)

Heart Disease and Diabetes Prevention on College Campuses

I thought about starting to blog last night while watching a program about heart disease in America on PBS. It wasn't the first time I thought about doing something on campus. In fact, I had previously tried to persuade students in a club that I'm part of to address the issue. But there doesn't seem to me much interest. I'm going for this campaign alone... though I earnestly hope that this will not be for long.